JANUARY 21, 2020 | The BPOC Quasi-Commad Center at the Middle Quirino Hill View Deck

The view deck has shifted from a standoff position by the vigilantes into a BPOC quasi-command center where beat patrol activities were being effected. Patrollers composed of BPOC-Tanods and other vigilantes would advance by conducting ronda along roads, streets, other public facilities and frequented places within the barangay to enforce peace and order, and then to return to the view deck again to join the static guards - they're doing it in regular basis to nullify provocation of the children and youths' aggression on the tourist facility and its surroundings.

In behalf of the View Deck vigilants and the benefitted residents; many, many thanks to the cooperating young people and their parents, guardians, relatives for the restraint effort, and to the respectful and cooperative visitors; many thanks also to the donors of foods and firewoods namely: Kap. Ignacio Gallente, Quirino Hill Elementary School, Sir Richard Daculan, Tina Alipen, Richard Sagandoy, Jimmy Pednga, Mr. and Mrs. Lalawe-Cera, Barok, the generous visitors, and those unnamed persons who significantly donated as well.

The group members are rather looking beyond now, after zeroing out the problem..and after realizing the ground flaunted before them to pace is the livelihood segment of the process. Thus, while significantly holding their position to enforce peace and order in the area and other parts of the barangay, they have come to realize that sustainable peace and order underlies propitious livelihood (economic) activity which is the thing left for them to walk on without leaving behind the foundation ðŸ˜²ðŸ¤“

JANUARY 18, 2020 | Calling Out from the Middle Quirino Hill View Deck

By: pedro a. dasing

From the station of #OccupyViewDeck vigilantes (Bantay-Viewdeck volunteers) which is the view deck vantage point, we're calling on to the parents, grandparents, guardians, family members within the Quirino Hill area to look for your kids and youths during curfew hours (7:00 P.M. to 4:00 A.M.); we always encounter some of them during the vigil and patrolling around our AOR, they were hanging out around the roads and alleys without certain path to follow and AT RISK, thus we always do our part by sending them home, and you, in return, must show them their better way for their brighter future. You can do this through diversions: First, you have to find them if they're not home during their curfew hours, take them home, make them comfortable being at home more than the night embracing them. Secondly, talk (engage quality conversation) with them at least 7 times a day. Third, work out to provide for conditions that prize their best interest as young and growing persons..and so on   

For January 17, 2020, the 5th Bantay-Viewdeck activity; the vigilantes thank all the supporters including Jimmy Pednga for pledging firewoods, Richard Sagandoy for the hot cakes, SK Mimi for the bread, and many, many more.

We hope that #OccupyViewDeck (Bantay-Viewdeck) activities will carry on until the start of the viewdeck's improvement project which will render the facility temporary close. The barangay is really yearning for the improvement of the facility to bring it finally into its earning phase for the benefits of the public 

JANUARY 16, 2020 | Starting to Establish the Station of Peace and Order Committee at the Middle Quirino Hill View Deck

By: pedro a. dasing

Concerned resident Richard Sagandoy said, "We should not allow delinquent youths from other places to dominate our place". Agree, we have our own concerns regarding youths and children in the community and we can not afford to absorb more pains of the social problem. Conducting..the act of consuming more health now than ever and intensifying patience to overcome the enormous bane deep-rooted within the social spheres and human genes..and, at the end of every moment, we're handcuffed in our own perplexed desire to reach the surface of it all..we're all left alone pleading and encouraging the YICL / CICL who would like to voluntarily surrender to our first responder capacity to facilitate the young people's counsellings, reformations, reconciliations, and realignment under the tutelage of the appropriate government agencies.

On January 15, 2020, at 5:00 PM., the vigilantes occupying the view deck have additional companions in the name of Bismark Mabias and Martial Boldoken to add to the force against the bane in the area at night. During the vigil, valid visitors have come and gone, some were quiet when entering and then gone away with smiles in their faces, few would even ask permission to drink liquor but the occupiers were quick to disallow them, and rarely would a person try to challenge the order being enforced inside the facility. All in all, the #OccupyViewDeck program of the barangay officials, volunteers and residents in the area is so far, good by continuously serving its own purpose - to protect the view deck facility from misuses and abuses.

Thanks to Sirs Aldrin Dang-as, Richard Sagandoy, and St, Paul for donating firewoods; Madames Joyce Balay-odao, Tina Alipen, SK Mimi Sumbad for the coffee and bread.

JANUARY 14, 2020 | "The Liberation of the View Deck"

By: pedro a. dasing

Columbus, the elder of the view deck vigilantes, puts it, "the liberation of the View Deck and the whole Road 4" from the hands of the rowdy YICL / CICL is starting to glimmer in the pitch darkness as they, the former, continue to occupy the frontage of the View Deck especially at night; allowing valid visitors to enter for limited time only to avoid hanging out and possible illegal activities; disallowing entrance of minors (w/o the company of adults) during curfew hours and the blacklisted truants, troublemakers, and other delinquent and problematic person/s; and when given a time to check the deck in the day time, is to clear it of playing children because the structure is not as safe as a well-planned children's playground, and to apprehend minors allegedly smoking cigarettes after their class dismissal in the afternoon.

Why spending much energy on this particular place? Because, first, it has two institutions built near it - a church and an elementary school, secondly, youths and minors from other places (inside and outside the city) were already trying to get a foothold and take control of the area as theirs, as observed, they use the place as rendezvous, for dating, drinking liquor, hanging out in the night with loud noises and disturbing dispositions which annoy the residents in the area.

Last night (January 13, 2020), the vigilantes composed of parents, concerned residents, public servants in the persons of Columbus Lewis, Richard Sagandoy, Imelda Cadaweng, Cristy Sinnay, Leticia Bacolong, Zenaida Baluran, Susan Binaysan, Imelda Zamora, and Pedro Dasing held station at the view deck to continue recovering the place from the control of the inexperienced (and maybe misguided and/or neglected) green hands, trying hard enough to chase them in order to indentify the youths and minors, who are truly in need of protection and/or services of the government's social welfare programs, to behold them and then to turn over them to the appropriate agency for proper action.

JANUARY 13, 2020 | Proactive Measures Implemented by Peace and Order Committee to Prevent Misuses and Abuses of the Middle Quirino Hill View Deck

Proactive measures by guarding the view deck starting from 4:00 PM onwards have been implemented against the unruly youths and the misuses and abuses of the view deck. 

These were the 1) watching of the view deck as early as 3:00 PM to prevent students, OSYs, CICLs from entering and getting a foothold of the view deck, it is better to prevent their entrance than to apprehend them inside and eject them from the facility when they were hanging out inside the structure, drinking and/or creating noises that disturb the neighborhood; 2) allowing valid visitors cautioning them not to drink liquor, not to smoke cigarettes, and to observe silence while inside the facility especially at night; 3) to let the visitors register their names at the entrance for record purposes; 4) and to place a donation box at the entrance to collect donations from visitors to be used for maintenance and beautification of the view deck; 5) to close and left the view deck from 3:00 AM to 5:00 AM when the problematic person/s would not likely to go to the view deck to hang out, drink liquor, and/or to violate "silent night" ordinance.

In this regard, many thanks so much to the BPOC-Tanods, Street Sweepers, Kag Zamora, and the concerned residents - Sirs Columbus Lewis and Richard Sagandoy - in the area for carrying out the strategy to prevent the problems and issues usually committed at the view deck especially in the night. 

Thanks also to Sir Richard Daculan for contributing merienda for the vigil and to all those who were not mentioned but contributing efforts, supports, foods and firewoods for the view deck vigilantes. Real salute to all of you, guys. Our involvement is the key, really. Let's do it regularly for the sustainable social order and peaceful night in our community 

Problems Usually Encountered at the Middle Quirino Hill View Deck by the Barangay Peace and Order Enforcers (I)

January 9, 2020 / 2100H | Ronda @ View

By: pedro a. dasing

The Barangay Tanods together with Kagawads Zamora and Dasing apprehended groups of YICL (Youths In Conflict With The Law) at the said facility. There was a group of youths with female members still in their school uniforms found to be already intoxicated with liquor, another group of male and female youths at the uppermost level was also apprehended for curfew and picnicking at the space designated as viewing area only. 

The picnickers were told to continue their activity in any of the group members' houses as some of them were residents in the area and have verandas to view the city while eating mani and drinking soft drinks. 

The group of intoxicated males and females were sent to their homes by the peace and order enforcers by escorting them to ride taxi cab, while one of them, another female, limped and befuddled due to alcohol intake, was accompanied by other youths who knew her and the brgy public servants to their home at the nearby community.

The facility really needs regular nightwatchmen badly in order to prevent such things and other misuses and abuses of the deck specially at night, and we, in the barangay, need volunteers or sponsor/s for the watchmen's stipend until it is already developed and earning its own operating expenses 

MARCH 15, 2020. Middle Quirino Hill Peace and Order Committee and Some School Children Performed Mini Rally Against the Spread of Novel Coronavirus (now COVID-19)

By: pedro a. dasing

On March 15, 2020, a day before Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte declared the entire Luzon area under enhanced community quarantine (ECQ), Middle Quirino Hill Peace and Order Committee and some school children conducted a mini rally at tapaw area in Middle Quirino Hill against the outbreak of Novel Coronavirus (now called COVID-19) in China and its imminent spread in the whole world.

R.A. 11202 - An Act Requiring Mobile Service Providers To Provide Nationwide Mobile Number Portability To Subscribers

The Senate approved this Act on the third reading on November 13, 2018 and was signed into law by President Rodrigo Roa Duterte on February ...