Tips on how to segregate garbage before bringing them out for collection

The garbage pick-up schedule for Quirino Hill is on Mondays, starting from 3:00 AM until afternoon. At tapaw area of the hill (hill top), collecting of garbage would start from 3:00 AM to 5:00 AM, and the schedule for the lower areas of the hill would be from 6:00 AM to 12:00 PM or early afternoon. Residents of these locations should bring their garbage to the designated garbage collection areas just before the garbage truck arrives. Your garbage that were brought out after the truck finished hauling and left the area should be brought back inside your houses, and bring them out again on the next schedule.

Wastes should be segregated according to their classifications. The wastes separation should be done by putting each kind of wastes into a separate bags or containers. The different kinds of garbage are: recyclables, residuals, non-biodegradable and biodegradable.

RECYCLABLES – Wastes that are being capable to be used again in the same or different purpose. Let these materials be recovered and be used again.

1.      Glass containers
2.      Newspaper
3.      Corrugated cardboard
4.      Mixed paper
5.      Paperboard
6.      Steel cans
7.      Aluminum
8.      Copper wire
9.      Polyethylene (PET, HDPE, LDPE)
10.  Vinyl (PVC)
11.  PP (Polypropylene)
12.  PS (Polystyrene)
13.  Other plastics
14.  Steel packaging
15.  Liquidpaperboard
17.  Batteries

RESIDUALS – Wastes that has been left after the other parts were used or consumed.

1.      Napkins/Nappies/Used cotton
2.      Chemicals
3.      Food paper wrapper
4.      Other food wrappers

NON-BIODEGRADABLE – Wastes that do not deteriorate or do not undergo decomposition.

1.      Fiber glass
2.      Hazardous – paint, fluorescent lights, batteries
3.      Metallic other
4.      Asphalt/road construction
5.      Asbestos
6.      Soil/Inert/Rubble
7.      Unusable food plastic wrappers
8.      Textiles/Clothing/Footwear/Carpet
9.      Polyurethane

BIODEGRADABLE – Wastes that are capable of decomposing. The waste will break down into small pieces that can be absorbed by microorganisms and transformed into CO2, H2O, energy and neutral residues.

1.      Disposable/Contaminated/Wet paper
2.      Food/Kitchen wastes
3.      Garden/Vegetation
4.      Wood/Timber
5.      Compostables

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