Tips on how to segregate garbage before bringing them out for collection

The garbage pick-up schedule for Quirino Hill is on Mondays, starting from 3:00 AM until afternoon. At tapaw area of the hill (hill top), collecting of garbage would start from 3:00 AM to 5:00 AM, and the schedule for the lower areas of the hill would be from 6:00 AM to 12:00 PM or early afternoon. Residents of these locations should bring their garbage to the designated garbage collection areas just before the garbage truck arrives. Your garbage that were brought out after the truck finished hauling and left the area should be brought back inside your houses, and bring them out again on the next schedule.

Wastes should be segregated according to their classifications. The wastes separation should be done by putting each kind of wastes into a separate bags or containers. The different kinds of garbage are: recyclables, residuals, non-biodegradable and biodegradable.

RECYCLABLES – Wastes that are being capable to be used again in the same or different purpose. Let these materials be recovered and be used again.

1.      Glass containers
2.      Newspaper
3.      Corrugated cardboard
4.      Mixed paper
5.      Paperboard
6.      Steel cans
7.      Aluminum
8.      Copper wire
9.      Polyethylene (PET, HDPE, LDPE)
10.  Vinyl (PVC)
11.  PP (Polypropylene)
12.  PS (Polystyrene)
13.  Other plastics
14.  Steel packaging
15.  Liquidpaperboard
17.  Batteries

RESIDUALS – Wastes that has been left after the other parts were used or consumed.

1.      Napkins/Nappies/Used cotton
2.      Chemicals
3.      Food paper wrapper
4.      Other food wrappers

NON-BIODEGRADABLE – Wastes that do not deteriorate or do not undergo decomposition.

1.      Fiber glass
2.      Hazardous – paint, fluorescent lights, batteries
3.      Metallic other
4.      Asphalt/road construction
5.      Asbestos
6.      Soil/Inert/Rubble
7.      Unusable food plastic wrappers
8.      Textiles/Clothing/Footwear/Carpet
9.      Polyurethane

BIODEGRADABLE – Wastes that are capable of decomposing. The waste will break down into small pieces that can be absorbed by microorganisms and transformed into CO2, H2O, energy and neutral residues.

1.      Disposable/Contaminated/Wet paper
2.      Food/Kitchen wastes
3.      Garden/Vegetation
4.      Wood/Timber
5.      Compostables

Rules to follow for field, travel or delivery operations by technical staff/personnel

1.       Do not use cell phone while driving. A cell phone call can only be used when the vehicle is parked in a designated safety area.
2.       During emergency, delivery or transport operation, do not drive over the regulated speed limit to ensure safety of personnel, equipment and materials.
3.       Do not work if under the influence of alcohol or drugs, intoxication of alcohol/drugs may cause impaired judgment and concentration/focus, this  condition usually lead to accident in workplaces
4.       Do not drive if tired or sleepy. When driving but feeling sleepy or weary, stop at a suitable rest location and take a rest. Recommended time to rest and drive is 20 to 30 minutes every after 4 hours of driving.
5.       Do not drop tools or other objects from height. Tools, materials and other debris should not accumulate in the work platforms. Also, materials and equipment which are not in use should be kept secured or placed at safety locations.
6.       Unlicensed personnel should not undertake electrical work.
7.       Do not stay or walk under construction areas for accident prevention measure.
8.       Always use PPE (Personal Protective Equipment), safety harness and fall protection equipment when working at height.
9.       When travelling, driving or operating vehicles, always buckle up. All vehicle occupants must use seat belt while traveling by vehicle.

10.   Staff or personnel working at height and ground must be properly trained and qualified and must be supervised by competent people.

How to treat dogs and live fairly with them

1. Do not go near a mother dog with puppies.

2. Do not run or walk briskly near a sleeping dog.

3. Do not disturb a dog that is eating.

4. Do not disturb a sleeping dog.

5. Do not hurt dog by throwing stick at him.

6. Do not go near a dog when it is tied or caged.

7. Do not stare at the eyes of a stranger dog.

8. If a dog chases after you, stand still and don’t move. If you fall down, curl up and cover your face.

9. To make friends with a dog, know its name from the owner, then call the dog by its name and see if it wags its tail.

10. If the dog wags its tail, fold your fingers and into a ball and let the dog sniff your hands.

11. Once you become friends with dog, stroke him under his neck and not on the top of his head.

12. If a dog bites you, wash the wound with soup into a running water for 10 minutes, then go to the hospital or clinic for treatment.

Letter Asking for Donation Sample Format

(Organization/Company Name)

Date: (date)

To:    (name)

Greetings of Peace, Joy, and Love.

The (organization/company) is a (nature/mission of the organization) with a vision/purpose/aim of (vision/purpose/aim) of which the members are (state how the donor/s are being favored by the vision, realization, or by the members). Going for the realization/accomplishment of this vision/purpose/aim, the organization needs (donation/s) for the (importance of the donation/s in the organization). However, the organization could not afford to produce such equipment/materials/needs. In this regard, we, the officers and members come knocking at your door that through your "corporate social responsibility" you could spare/give us the said items.  

As we anticipate favorable action for this request, rest assured of our continued support/prayers for (you/company/or the success of the donor's company).

Very Sincerely Yours,




Donation Letter Sample Format

Date: (date)

To:     (name)
          (organization/company name)

Dear (name),

Please accept the following donations as our thanksgiving gift for our organization for the betterment in (mission of the organization).

The said donations are (explain or indicate the source of the donations, how they're used, and why they're important to the organization).

(donation items could be listed here)

Thank you so much.

Truly Yours,


Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) Sample Format



             THIS MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT, entered into by and between:

              THE (FIRST PARTY), with office/home address at (Office/Home address) herein represented by its (position - name), its (position - name) and so on...;


              THE (SECOND PARTY), with office/home address at (Office/Home address) herein represented by its (position - name), its (position - name) and so on...;


               WHEREAS, (FIRST PARTY) has applied loan from (SECOND PARTY) for the renovation of office.

               WHEREAS, (SECOND PARTY), through and by its council meeting on (date), approved the loan request to renovate the office of the (FIRST PARTY) subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter  set forth;

                THEREFORE, FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION OF THE FOREGOING PREMISES, the parties hereto agree as follows:

                1. This Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) also serves as a legal contract between the (SECOND PARTY) and the (FIRST PARTY) . It is binding and executory until loan is fully paid.

                2. The loan of (amount) which was used for the renovation of (FIRST PARTY) office.

                3. The loan shall earn an interest of (interest rate) per annum.

                4. The loan shall be payable within a period of (YEARS/MONTHS) starting (date).

                5. Principal and interest payments shall be made every (month/quarter/year) in accordance
                    with the schedule of payments hereto attached as annex "A" hereof and made an integral
                    part of this agreement.

                6. (FIRST PARTY) shall pay the amount of (monthly amortization amount) monthly
                     starting (date).
                7. (FIRST PARTY) will agree to turn-over to (FIRST PARTY) the management of the
                     multi-purpose center in case the (FIRST PARTY) will fail to pay their monthly dues for
                     (number) months/quarters/years.

                 8. (FIRST PARTY) however has the option to pay in full or in part of principal balance
                     anytime from (date) to (date - month before the last month of payment). The attached
                     schedule shall then be adjusted to reflect the new principal balance.

                 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto, through their representatives, hereby set their hands this ___________ day of ___________ (year) in (city/province, country).

(SECOND PARTY)                                                                    (FIRST PARTY)

By:                                                                                              By:
(signature)                                                                                  (signature)
(name)                                                                                        (name)
(position)                                                                                    (position)

(signature)                                                                                  (signature)
(name)                                                                                        (name)
(position)                                                                                    (position)


______________________________                             ___________________________
         (name, position/designation)                                       (name, position/designation)

______________________________                             ___________________________
          (name, position/designation)                                      (name, position/designation)

______________________________                             ___________________________
          (name, position/designation)                                      (name, position/designation)

______________________________                             ___________________________
          (name, position/designation)                                      (name, position/designation)


_______________________________                          ____________________________

Attachment - Annex "A"

Principal Loan:     (amount)
Interest Rate:         (interest rate in percent)
Period:                   (months/quarters/years) to Pay

Date  | Principal Bal | Monthly Amort'n | Payment for Principal | Payment for Interest | Total Principal Paid | Total Interest Paid | Remarks |
 1-1-16|   200,000     |  50,000                 |    45,000                     |   5,000                    |       45,000               |    5.000                 |             |
(date)|   (amount)    |   (amount)             |     (amount)                 |   (amount)              |     (amount)              |      (amount)         |             |
(date)|  and so on... |                            |                                   |                              |                                |                            |             |
TOTAL         |  (amount)    | (amount)          |  (amount)      |                 

Pictorial Order after the Service of Holy Matrimony

Bride and Groom

Bride and Groom with Ministers

Bride and Groom with Principal Sponsors

Bride and Groom with Secondary Sponsors (Candle, Veil, and Cord)

Bride and Groom with Ring, Coin, and Bible Bearers

Bride and Groom with Flower Girls

Bride and Groom with Groom's Men and Bride's Maid

Bride and Groom with Best Man and Maid of Honor

Bride and Groom with Bride's Parents

Bride and Groom with Groom's Parents

Bride and Groom with In-Laws, Brothers and Sisters

Bride and Groom with Relatives, Friends

Bride and Groom with Visitors, Congregation


R.A. 11202 - An Act Requiring Mobile Service Providers To Provide Nationwide Mobile Number Portability To Subscribers

The Senate approved this Act on the third reading on November 13, 2018 and was signed into law by President Rodrigo Roa Duterte on February ...